Scientific aerodynamics instead of optical illusion! Optimum adaption for your needs by infinitely variable selection of the armpads till 84 mm.
Double Helix Bend: 15 years of evolution instead of short-lived solutions like S-Bend or Straight Bend. The hyper extended wrists caused by those "new" positions not only produce fatigue but also cause strain from the arms all the way up into the upper back high enough forcing the rider to arch his back even higher. The result: besides higher caloric intake through strain a worse aerodynamic position. The new Syntace C3 produces, without your help, a "fast", flat back and a very energy-efficient upper body position.
Higher pedal pressure: The Syntace C3 produces even more pedal pressure and, without your help, a "fast", flat back and a very energy-efficient upper body position. In addition: if necessary you can exert even more pedal pressure than with the Syntace C2 und SLS, leading models for 15 years. The support for the heel of the hand, about 20º slanted forward and down directly underneath the wrist and the biomechanical optimized grips produce exactly the right tension reaching to the upper arm. And offer automatically a power-saving opposite pull for high pedal pressure.
Even the famous, half-length position of the Syntace C2 aero bar improved through the C3 Double Helix Bend. The grip bend, a little further forward, conforms so well to your hand and your range of motion. You can ride faster and much more relaxed.
Please note:
The Syntace C3 is available in size S(up to 1,70m), M (from 1,70 up to 1,82m) and L (from 1,82m) which depend on your body height. You can simply shorten the bar up to 45 mm.
Effective handle length of C3 is 15 mm longer compared to C2.
Material: aluminium
Weight supplement: size S)
366 g (size M)
378 g (size L